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What Does 'The Brevity Life' Mean?

The dictionary definition of Brevity:

The Cambridge Dictionary defines brevity as:

noun [ U ]



using only a few words or lasting only a short time.

How does Brevity view the definition? You will hear us say "It's the Brevity of Life" and we mean a period of time. How long is that period of time? Like the definition says, a short period of time. But what is short? We say "short" is a matter of perspective.

Here is why we call our page, "Brevity". The time period could be a split second decision. For example, a decision to not have road rage when another car cuts you off or not saying something that you know will upset your spouse.

Brevity could be a season of life you're going through. There are many seasons, some happy, some sad, frustrating, and sometimes it feels like nothing is happening. The season could be getting married, or a child going through the "terrible twos", getting a diagnosis that you didn’t want to hear or any other "season" of life.

When Brevity looks at the big picture, our whole life is a short period of time. Especially in God's eyes.


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